Bajaga - Idem
, 03-04-2016 u 20:08 (974 Pregleda)
Bajaga - Idem (I go)
Ti ideš drugome
You go to another
u ovaj sudnji sat
in the doomsday moment
kaži usnama medenim slaži
Tell with your honey lips lies
ja ću tebi verovat
I will believe you
i neću ljubiti
And I will never love
ja više nikada
no more for ever
polja crvenog maka će cvati
Fields of red poppies will bloom
od mog očaja
of my despair
ti znaš da sam sam
You know I am alone
a ja za to ne smem da znam
I have not to know it
kaži usnama medenim slaži
Tell with your honey lips lies
ja ću tebi verovat
I will believe you
ti možeš tražiti
You can ask
da na te ne mislim
not to think on you
neću misliti
I will not think
ali ne mogu da se ne setim
but I can not forget
tih tvojih usana
of your lips
što ljube drugoga
which kiss another
idem kao da ne idem
I go, as I do not go
a idem kud ti si otišla
I go where you went
ti znaš da sam sam
you know that I am alone
a ja za to ne smem da znam
and for that I must not know
kaži usnama medenim slaži
Tell with your honey lips lies
ja ću tebi verovat
I will believe you
I knew for most popular songs of Serbian singer Bajaga (Momčilo Bajagić),
but i did not hear for this one. Few days ago I found and heard it on YouTube,
searching for some Bajaga's songs with classical elements. At first i thought
song is bad sound quality and i was suspicious does he really sing.
When song finished i click on button to repeat, to hear once again.
But I continue with listening over and over. Simple but beautiful slow dancing
music in rhythm of waltz with heartbreak lyrics deeply touched my soul.
It did not fit any real picture of any woman from my past. There was only
abstract feeling. In my mind I lived and felt situation of abandoned man
who lost his love.
Song "Idem" was recorded 1989. on longplay album from live concert in
Kulišić Hall in Belgrade.
Title of album is "Neka svemir čuje nemir" (Let space to hear anxiety)