6760 ja znam, ali ja sam OZNA, tako da...
6760 ja znam, ali ja sam OZNA, tako da...
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
plotarius transpareticus
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
plotarius transpareticus
6764 nemoj previše jastrebe, loše je za pluća
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
6765 necu tico... pravim pauzu u zapisivanju lilavosti
plotarius transpareticus
6766 obavezno koristi ovako nešto kada se lilavost zapisuje to štiti od lilave boje
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
6767 ahahahahahaha hocu
plotarius transpareticus
6768 pa moram te uputiti kako da se čuvaš lilavog efekta
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
6769 da ne zalilavim pre vremena
plotarius transpareticus
6770 svako vreme je vreme za lilavljenje
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
6771 ali se nekad valja i stititi zar ne?
plotarius transpareticus
6772 nekada da, ali ne uvek
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
6773 dakle, vazna je mera?
plotarius transpareticus
6774 redosled i momenat, to je važno jastrebe umerenost u svemu, posebno u tome za one emotivne ptice
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
6775 primljeno ka znanju jastrebe
plotarius transpareticus
6776 aj' da zapalimo ja i ti po jednu ptico nebeska
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
6777 apsolutno se slazem jastrebe
plotarius transpareticus
6778 mi se uvek složimo
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
6779 uvek
sto markic ne broji sa nama?
plotarius transpareticus