12889 ma nemoj nam reći, a tako je duuuuugo trajaloDodži sada ovamo
12889 ma nemoj nam reći, a tako je duuuuugo trajaloDodži sada ovamo
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
12892 evo je ja![]()
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
12895 ja cu da ga bijem![]()
12896ništa mi niko ne može
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
12897 ma jel?![]()
12898 ma jeste![]()
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
12901 jopet me uvatila alergijanemogu da disem
sva sam zapusena
12902 ja sam majstor po pitanju otpušavanja, mogu li kako da pomognem ?Na šta si alergična ?
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
12903 nema tu pomoci![]()
12904 to ti ne znaš![]()
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
12906 možda može to stanje nekako da se promeni![]()
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
12907 moze lekovima,al ja ih nepijem![]()
12908 može leovima, a možda može i nekim alternativnim lekovima, na biljnoj bazi koji su po pravilu bolji od čiste hemije![]()
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow