Status :
Registrovan : Jun 2009
Lokacija : Mad Hatter's Tea Party
Poruke : 2,566
Re: Filmski stvaraoci
Roman Polanski

Roman Liebling - Romek (18. august 1933, Pariz) je francusko-poljski režiser i glumac. Najpoznatiji filmovi Rosemary's Baby (1968) i Chinatown (1974), a poznat i po svom burnom privatnom životu. Njegovu ženu, glumicu Sharon Tate, je ubio Manson Family 1969. da bi nedugo zatim i Polanski otišao u Evropu gde je bio optužen za silovanje 13 godišnje devojčice. Iako se izjasnio kriv nikada nije odslužio kaznu jer je pobegao u Francusku. Nikada se nije vratio u SAD niti bio uhapšen, do oktobra 2009. godine kada su ga Švajcarske vlasti ipak uhapsile zbog međunarodne poternice.
1955 Zaczarowany rower (also as Bicycle)
1957 Morderstwo (also as A Murderer)
Uśmiech zębiczny (also as A Toothful Smile)
Rozbijemy zabawę (also as Break Up the Dance)
1958 Dwaj ludzie z szafą (also as Two Men and a Wardrobe)
1959 Lampa (also as The Lamp)
Gdy spadają anioły (also as When Angels Fall)
1961 Le Gros et le maigre (also as The Fat and the Lean)
Ssaki (also as Mammals)
1962 Nóż w wodzie (also as Knife in the Water)
1964 Les plus belles escroqueries du monde (also as The Beautiful Swindlers)—segment: "La rivière de diamants"
1965 Repulsion*
1966 Cul-de-Sac
1967 The Fearless Vampire Killers or: Pardon Me, Madam, but Your Teeth Are in My Neck (also as Dance of the Vampires)
1968 Rosemary's Baby
1971 The Tragedy of Macbeth
1973 What? (also as Diary of Forbidden Dreams)
1974 Chinatown
1976 Le Locataire (also as The Tenant)*
1979 Tess
1986 Pirates
1988 Frantic
1992 Bitter Moon
1994 Death and the Maiden
1999 The Ninth Gate
2002 The Pianist
2005 Oliver Twist
2007 To Each His Own Cinema (segment Cinéma erotique)
2010 The Ghost Writer