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Tema: Kafana kod krivog stojka

  1. #4061
    Registrovani Član
    Rosa avatar
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Citiraj Prvobitno napisano od Merima Vidi poruku
    zdravo roso moj najverniji fanu namber tu
    Ajde pevaaaajjjj

  2. #4062
    Registrovani Član
    Merima avatar
    Status : Merima je odsutan
    Registrovan : Dec 2011
    Poruke : 89

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Ne mogu spremam se za njujirz performans
    štedim grlo

  3. #4063
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    vrati se ma znaš šta bih ti sve oprostioooo

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  4. #4064
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  5. #4065
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    čija si to aaaaanđele moj mali

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  6. #4066
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    ne pitaj više,ne bih o tome
    ja ne bih reči same beže

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  7. #4067
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  8. #4068
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  9. #4069
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    i na jastuk jednu ružu da te podseća
    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  10. #4070
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    sve da prođe šta te muči
    samo draga, dođi kućiiii
    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  11. #4071
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Da te čeka kad se vratiš
    da me sanjas, da me pamtiš
    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  12. #4072
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  13. #4073
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    dao sam ti toplomer
    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  14. #4074
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    stotinu puta
    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  15. #4075
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    ja sam doš'o dao kreč
    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  16. #4076
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  17. #4077
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  18. #4078
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    stotinu puta bez aduta
    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  19. #4079
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    av av
    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  20. #4080
    Registrovani Član
    Moonster avatar
    Status : Moonster je odsutan
    Registrovan : Dec 2010
    Lokacija : Τάρταρος
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    Tekstova u blogu : 3

    Početno Re: Kafana kod krivog stojka

    Homo homini lupus est.
    The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow

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