Sta bi ste kupili osobi iznad za STO DINARA????
Sta bi ste kupili osobi iznad za STO DINARA????
Život nije samo topla plima.
I kada te nema - treba da te ima...![]()
Kojoj osobi?![]()
Sarenu lazu a mozda i sarenonista![]()
da je osoba iznad sto godina, pa i da razumem.. a šta je osoba iznad sto dinara?![]()
politikin zabavnik....missim da on košta 99 din.
где си пошла с крмељиве очи
Узе ми реч из тастатуре.
Мислим, ја бих свакоме купила "Политикин забавник".
Мудрост се састоји у томе да се баци у море што мањи део товара да би брод пловио лако.
pa, kafa jeste malo skuplja....naročito nes. ili, sok od paradajza....litar, mislim.
где си пошла с крмељиве очи
Kore za gibu![]()
I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.
olovku, da mi pise nesto lepo![]()
Ja sam samo tu, da vreme brze prolazi....
kupila bih joj krembananica za sve pare![]()
I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.
lav pivo![]()
I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.
2 bonžite
где си пошла с крмељиве очи
za 100 dinara može 5 bonžita da se kupi
5 kila šljiva
dve sveske i olovku i gumicu![]()
I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.
traku za kosu..![]()
Večnost je čista sadašnjost.
kupila bih joj,![]()
kovertu za pismo gradonachelniku, i olovku novu da isto to napise![]()
I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.