Uh, sladoled, može, prva tura tvoja a druga moja
Uh, sladoled, može, prva tura tvoja a druga moja
...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''
Namignula u prolazu
...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''
otišao u zoo vrt :D
- Zašto nosiš taj glupavi zečji kostim?
- A zašto ti nosiš taj ljudski kostim?
Pitala ga kako škola?
...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''
pohvalio se
- Zašto nosiš taj glupavi zečji kostim?
- A zašto ti nosiš taj ljudski kostim?
Pohvalila ga
...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''
Razmislio bih.
...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''
Ništa (razmislio sam)
Čitao bih Bibliju sa njom.
Slušala ga dok mi čita.
...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''
Ишла у провод
Мудрост се састоји у томе да се баци у море што мањи део товара да би брод пловио лако.
Aaaaa, baš sam to htela da kažem
...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''
jeo lapačinke posle...
Ko nije probao urmašicu taj ne zna šta je slatko
...Posle bi pričali o smislu života
...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''
Posmatrao bih je.