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Tema: Mačija posla

  1. #81
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  2. #82
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  3. #83
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  4. #84
    Registrovani Član
    KozaIzOza avatar
    Status : KozaIzOza je odsutan
    Registrovan : Oct 2010
    Lokacija : Oz
    Poruke : 39

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

  5. #85
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  6. #86
    Registrovani Član
    kmečalica avatar
    Status : kmečalica je odsutan
    Registrovan : May 2012
    Lokacija : ma, tu sam !
    Poruke : 84

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

  7. #87
    Registrovani Član
    kmečalica avatar
    Status : kmečalica je odsutan
    Registrovan : May 2012
    Lokacija : ma, tu sam !
    Poruke : 84

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

  8. #88
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  9. #89
    Registrovani Član
    причалица avatar
    Status : причалица je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2009
    Lokacija : under my skin
    Poruke : 58,042
    Tekstova u blogu : 38

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

    где си пошла с крмељиве очи

  10. #90
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  11. #91
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

    ovo je muško sto posto

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  12. #92
    Registrovani Član
    причалица avatar
    Status : причалица je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2009
    Lokacija : under my skin
    Poruke : 58,042
    Tekstova u blogu : 38

    Početno Re: Mačija posla

    где си пошла с крмељиве очи

  13. #93
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  14. #94
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  15. #95
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  16. #96
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  17. #97
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  18. #98
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Mačija posla

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  19. #99
    udavača u pokušaju
    Nežnicah avatar
    Status : Nežnicah je odsutan
    Registrovan : Sep 2011
    Poruke : 28,124

    Početno Одг: Mačija posla

  20. #100
    udavača u pokušaju
    Nežnicah avatar
    Status : Nežnicah je odsutan
    Registrovan : Sep 2011
    Poruke : 28,124

    Početno Одг: Mačija posla

    nije na yt pa nisam znala kako da ga postavim, ali snimak je super

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