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Tema: Pesma u glavi

  1. #61
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Pesma u glavi

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  2. #62
    Registrovani Član
    Slavena avatar
    Status : Slavena je odsutan
    Registrovan : Aug 2012
    Lokacija : sever
    Poruke : 1,399

    Početno Re: Pesma u glavi

    Sta da ti kazem kad sve znas!

  3. #63
    Registrovani Član
    sudjenik avatar
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    Poruke : 335

    Početno Re: Pesma u glavi



    cold as stone,
    possessor of bone-chilling beauty
    I, alone,
    wanting but not wanting to be
    scratching and clawing at this
    waiting for something to give
    so give me a sign
    a shiver, a sigh
    a look in your eye
    a reason to live

    fantasy still
    captor and captive are we
    strangers until
    desire and goddess intrigue
    a slanting and movement of hips
    a flush, a warmth of the skin
    as night falls I wait
    for breath, for fate
    the sweet salty taste
    pressing lips on lips

    unrequited love
    is what I know of love
    I will stay
    imagination may be for fools
    imagination may be cruel

    to be kind
    at the end
    of the day
    ivory girl
    chiseled and cooler than clay
    icy reserve
    is provocation. will you betray
    eyes that linger and hold too fast?
    if you stumble, if the mask
    should crumble or fall
    warm blooded after all

    the longer you stall
    so shall I last

  4. #64
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Pesma u glavi

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  5. #65
    udavača u pokušaju
    Nežnicah avatar
    Status : Nežnicah je odsutan
    Registrovan : Sep 2011
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    Početno Одг: Pesma u glavi

    al sam se navukla na ovu pesmu

  6. #66
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  7. #67
    Registrovani Član
    Slavena avatar
    Status : Slavena je odsutan
    Registrovan : Aug 2012
    Lokacija : sever
    Poruke : 1,399

    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

    Sta da ti kazem kad sve znas!

  8. #68
    Registrovani Član
    Rosa avatar
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    Početno Одг: Pesma u glavi

  9. #69
    Registrovani Član
    Rosa avatar
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    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

  10. #70
    Registrovani Član
    Moonster avatar
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    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

    Ovo nikako da izbacim iz glave
    Izgleda da nije svejedno
    Homo homini lupus est.
    The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow

  11. #71
    udavača u pokušaju
    Nežnicah avatar
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    Početno Odg: Одг: Pesma u glavi

    Citiraj Prvobitno napisano od Fajfica Vidi poruku
    al sam se navukla na ovu pesmu

    i dalje je tu... u glavi al neka, volim je

  12. #72
    Registrovani Član
    Keti avatar
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    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

  13. #73
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  14. #74
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  15. #75
    DaDole avatar
    Status : DaDole je odsutan
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    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

    jaaa k'o da sam luuudaa
    ostaci sinoćnjeg polufinala ..

  16. #76
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  17. #77
    Registrovani Član
    boba avatar
    Status : boba je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2013
    Poruke : 123

    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

  18. #78
    Registrovani Član
    paculjkica avatar
    Status : paculjkica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Apr 2010
    Lokacija : Beograd
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    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

    The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them!

  19. #79
    udavača u pokušaju
    Nežnicah avatar
    Status : Nežnicah je odsutan
    Registrovan : Sep 2011
    Poruke : 28,124

    Početno Одг: Pesma u glavi

    slobodno nek ostane u glavi

  20. #80
    Registrovani Član
    paculjkica avatar
    Status : paculjkica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Apr 2010
    Lokacija : Beograd
    Poruke : 8,964
    Tekstova u blogu : 1

    Početno Odg: Pesma u glavi

    Ovu pesmu sam sanjala

    The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them!

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