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Tema: ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

  1. #1
    Registrovani Član
    ribizla avatar
    Status : ribizla je odsutan
    Registrovan : May 2011
    Poruke : 2,533
    Tekstova u blogu : 15

    Početno ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

    Obzirom da smatram grafički dizajn nečim što ne spada u oblast slikarstva, a pogotovo kada je u pitanju web dizajn, i ostali proizvodi ere kompjutera, otvaram topik posvećen dizajnu i dizajnerima iz svih oblasti, od grafike do keramike, od web stranica do kuhinjskih elemenata.

    It's all art. And we love it.

    ...ja ću početi od grafičkog...

    Garrett Perry

    Garrett Perry (b. 1984) has a slight obsession with cats and cat memorabilia and has wasted many days watching television throughout his youth. However as an emerging artist living in Minneapolis, Mn, television and visual culture has become a crucial aspect to his work. He attended the College of Visual arts in St. Paul (BFA 2008) and currently works out of his studio in St. Paul MN.

    I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD...it is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.

  2. #2
    Registrovani Član
    ribizla avatar
    Status : ribizla je odsutan
    Registrovan : May 2011
    Poruke : 2,533
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    Početno Re: ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

    Mateusz Sypien

    Location: Leeds
    Job: Student, graphic designer
    Contact: www.behance.net/strobobibo
    Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, 3ds Max

    Mateusz Sypien is very much a newcomer to the design industry: “Since I created my first personal piece in March 2008 I’ve been absolutely addicted,” he says. Since then, he adds, graphic design has become his hobby as well as his passion. “For some people, being a self-learner like me may be enough, but I have a desire to work in the media industry and to be a part of the creative world.”

    To that end he enrolled on the BSc course in Media Technology and Production at the University of Bradford last year. “Although the course focuses on the practice and technology of media products, in my free time I focus on graphic and visual aspects,” says Sypien. “I’m strongly inspired by the music, colours and school of hard knocks. Old-school, retro and back-to-roots provides a lot of power to create something new and connect generations.”

    I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD...it is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.

  3. #3
    Registrovani Član
    ribizla avatar
    Status : ribizla je odsutan
    Registrovan : May 2011
    Poruke : 2,533
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    Početno Re: ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

    Eric Johnsson

    I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD...it is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.

  4. #4
    Registrovani Član
    ribizla avatar
    Status : ribizla je odsutan
    Registrovan : May 2011
    Poruke : 2,533
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    Početno Re: ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

    Andreea Anghel.

    I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD...it is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.

  5. #5
    Registrovani Član
    Bisernica avatar
    Status : Bisernica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Aug 2009
    Lokacija : Razbibriga
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    Početno Re: ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

    Tema je zanimljiva ,ali bi bilo dobro u jednom postu ostaviti jednu,najviše dve slike
    da bi se stranice lakše otvarale,zbog onih koji nemaju jake mašine.
    Tekstovi na stranim jezicima su dostupni samo onima koji poznaju jezik,pa bi neki prevod
    dobrodošao onima koji jezike ne znaju ,ili se njima samo koriste u manjem obimu.
    Klonim se ljudi koji misle da je drskost hrabrost, a nežnost kukavičluk
    A klonim se i onih koji misle da je brbljanje mudrost, a ćutanje neznanje.

  6. #6
    Registrovani Član
    ribizla avatar
    Status : ribizla je odsutan
    Registrovan : May 2011
    Poruke : 2,533
    Tekstova u blogu : 15

    Početno Re: ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

    potrudicu se makar za prevod..
    za slike ne odgovaram.. jer ne znam koju da izaberem od svih tih ljudi sve sta cu.. bezobrazna sam.
    I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD...it is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.

  7. #7
    Registrovani Član
    Bisernica avatar
    Status : Bisernica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Aug 2009
    Lokacija : Razbibriga
    Poruke : 20,094
    Tekstova u blogu : 22

    Početno Re: ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

    Citiraj Prvobitno napisano od rizibizlica Vidi poruku
    potrudicu se
    Hvala ribizlice
    Klonim se ljudi koji misle da je drskost hrabrost, a nežnost kukavičluk
    A klonim se i onih koji misle da je brbljanje mudrost, a ćutanje neznanje.

  8. #8
    Registrovani Član
    Bisernica avatar
    Status : Bisernica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Aug 2009
    Lokacija : Razbibriga
    Poruke : 20,094
    Tekstova u blogu : 22

    Početno Re: ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

    Citiraj Prvobitno napisano od rizibizlica Vidi poruku
    za slike ne odgovaram.. jer ne znam koju da izaberem od svih tih ljudi sve sta cu.. bezobrazna sam.
    izaberi sve , postavi po dve u poruku ...preglednije je
    a i ti ćeš imati više poruka :
    Klonim se ljudi koji misle da je drskost hrabrost, a nežnost kukavičluk
    A klonim se i onih koji misle da je brbljanje mudrost, a ćutanje neznanje.

  9. #9
    Registrovani Član
    ribizla avatar
    Status : ribizla je odsutan
    Registrovan : May 2011
    Poruke : 2,533
    Tekstova u blogu : 15

    Početno Re: ..:: Grafički/ web/ industrial/ modern dizajn ::..

    Citiraj Prvobitno napisano od Bisernica Vidi poruku
    izaberi sve , postavi po dve u poruku ...preglednije je
    a i ti ćeš imati više poruka :
    tako sam i resila.
    a ta brojka sa brojem poruka, me uopste ne tangira
    I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD...it is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be space.

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