980 keks tortu
980 keks tortu
970 ako to daješ bez pitanja svima, onda nemam komentar
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
970 daj mi
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
970 dobro je, pogodila si konačno
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
980 predpostavljala sam,al mi zabagovali smajlici
970 nema veze, bitno je da sada znaš
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
980 znaci moram da ga naucim napamet
970 ti bi to trebala da (pred)osetiš
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
980 mislim na smajlica raz_083
970 zbunio sam te
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
980 uvek me zbunis
970 ne pratiš me
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow
Homo homini lupus est.
The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow