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Tema: Trenutno slušam

  1. #7961
    smišlja slatke prevare
    Hexy De OZ avatar
    Status : Hexy De OZ je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Aussie Land
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    ...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''

  2. #7962
    smišlja slatke prevare
    Hexy De OZ avatar
    Status : Hexy De OZ je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Aussie Land
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    ...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''

  3. #7963
    smišlja slatke prevare
    Hexy De OZ avatar
    Status : Hexy De OZ je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Aussie Land
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    ...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''

  4. #7964
    smišlja slatke prevare
    Hexy De OZ avatar
    Status : Hexy De OZ je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Aussie Land
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    ...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''

  5. #7965
    smišlja slatke prevare
    Hexy De OZ avatar
    Status : Hexy De OZ je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Aussie Land
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    Tekstova u blogu : 1

    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    ...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''

  6. #7966
    smišlja slatke prevare
    Hexy De OZ avatar
    Status : Hexy De OZ je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2009
    Lokacija : Aussie Land
    Poruke : 933
    Tekstova u blogu : 1

    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    ...'' You know, if you're gonna ask someone to save the world, you'd better make sure they like it the way it is....''

  7. #7967
    Registrovani Član
    Cruz avatar
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    I kada vas gadjaju kamenjem, guraju u stranu, vuku unazad, vi nastavite. Sledite svoj cilj, polako koracajte, istrpite svaku nedacu i uspeh je neminovan. Onda cete se osvrnuti, pogledati sve njih, bednike, koji i dalje stoje na istom mestu i rade to isto drugima. Ovog puta, vas ce velicati, govoreci da su oni zasluzni za vas uspeh. Oprostite i sazalite se, neka nisu pomogli, vi ste uspeli, a oni su ostali iza vas.

  8. #7968
    Registrovani Član
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

  9. #7969
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  10. #7970
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  11. #7971
    Registrovani Član
    Doktor Zo avatar
    Status : Doktor Zo je odsutan
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

  12. #7972
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
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    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  13. #7973
    Registrovani Član
    Sagacity avatar
    Status : Sagacity je odsutan
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

  14. #7974
    Registrovani Član
    Moonster avatar
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    Homo homini lupus est.
    The others have failed - Learn from them but do not follow

  15. #7975
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  16. #7976
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  17. #7977
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  18. #7978
    Registrovani Član
    naki avatar
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    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    plotarius transpareticus

  19. #7979
    Registrovani Član
    Sarmica avatar
    Status : Sarmica je odsutan
    Registrovan : Jun 2010
    Lokacija : Šerpica
    Poruke : 18,366

    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

    Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
    But don't judge on what you see,
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A better meal than me

  20. #7980
    Registrovani Član
    Sagacity avatar
    Status : Sagacity je odsutan
    Registrovan : Nov 2011
    Poruke : 9,775
    Tekstova u blogu : 9

    Početno Re: Trenutno slušam

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